AACCOM Weekly News 1/7/2020 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞
1. 2020 Lunar New Year Celebration (二零二零安娜堡中文學校農曆新年迎春晚會)
祝福各位家長2020新年快樂。 中文學校2020農曆新年晚會將於一月25日(Sat.)在 Washtenaw Community College 舉行, 我們將從本週五(2020/01/10)開始出售晚會的ticket (還有11/17, 11/24).
We wish all parents a happy 2020 New Year. The Lunar New Year Party will take place at January 25th (Sat.) at Washtenaw Community College. The ticket sale will start this Friday (Jan. 10th).
日期 Date:2020年一月二十五日星期六 / January 25, 2020 Saturday
地點 Location:Morris Lawrence Building: Towsley Auditorium, Washtenaw Community College
4800 E. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor
預售 pre-sale Dinner ticket: $10, age 3 and under free
現場 at-door Dinner ticket: $13, age 3 and under free
摸彩券 Raffle Ticket: $2 一張, $10 六張($10 for 6 Raffle tickets)
遊戲券 Game Ticket: $1 四張 ( $1 for 4 tickets)
活動流程 Program:
§ 3:30 pm – 5:00pm 預演/遊戲 Rehearsal/Games
§ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm 團圓晚餐 Dinner
§ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm 學生與社團成果表演 Student Performances
**欲購票者請聯絡董事們 (See List below)或星期五晚至大禮堂購買。
For Tickets, Please contact school board members or purchase King’s multipurpose room on Friday night.
董事 Jia-Huey Jow 卓佳慧 board@aaccom.org
董事 Yi-Ching Daphne Lin 林奕菁 board@aaccom.org
董事 Kuo, Jason 郭權賢 board@aaccom.org
董事 Hsiao, Chu-Chun 曾福林 board@aaccom.org.
2. 新董事人選 New School Board Member Candidate Needed
我們急需下一任的董事人選 ,請有興趣的家長和董事會聯絡。如果人選不足,董事會將於新年晚會從家長名單中隨機抽出兩位下任董事的人選 (僅限沒有擔任老師, 行政團隊, 和家長代表的家長們)。
Candidates Urgently Wanted for two new AACCOM Board Members for 2020-2022 school year. If there are no candidate, we will randomly select TWO Member from all parents who is not currently serving as Teacher, Staff team, or Class Parent’s representatives.新任董事(兩位)選舉 Election of New Board Members
日期 Date: 二零二零年一月二十五日 (新年晚會) January 25, 2020 (Chinese New Year Party)
任期 Tenure: 2020-2022 school year
If you are interested in joining board of directors please e-mail us at board@aaccom.org
有興趣的家長請和董事會聯絡: board@aaccom.org3. 徵求摸彩禮物 Raffle Gifts Needed for Chinese New Year Party
Please donate gifts for party raffle. Please drop your donation at the front desk at king’s multipurpose room on Friday evening and provide your name to AACCOM staff. If your gift is already wrapped, please provide us the information of the gift and your name as well. AACCOM appreciates your generosity.