AACCOM Weekly News 10/23/2018 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

1. 2017-2018 Volunteer Deposit Refund 義工保證金退還
2. Sponsorship Advertisement on 2018-2019 AACCOM Directory  

3. 10/26 Fire Drill 消防演習

A. 2017-2018 Volunteer Deposit Refund

This coming Friday, OCT 26th will be the last day (after 10/12 and 10/19) that Chinese School board member will be providing refund to the parents who completed the three volunteer event in 2017-2018 school year. The time of Refund will be from from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.  As notified last year, please present your signed volunteer tracking sheet from last year to receive the $30, $20, or $10 refund depend on the number of volunteer events completed. If you have any question, please ask the board member at Multipurpose room.

If you do not request your refund by the end of Friday before hand, your deposit will be considered a donation to the school.  And we will send you an donation acknowledge letter afterward. 

This school year, the AACCOM BOARD will have a new policy of refunding your volunteer at the end of school year.  You can help us out by making sure your the volunteer sign-up sheet is properly signed by event leader after each event, and having it ready near the end of school year.

If there is any question please ask board@aaccom.org.

十月二十六日(週五)將是最後一天 ( 晚間 7:30pm  9:30pm) 中文學校董事於Multi-purpose room

 Volunteer Deposit  如去年通知事項,各位家長請準備好您去年的志工參與單上列您參加的三個活動和活動負責人的簽名)來領取全額( $30) 或部分退款。  如有疑問,可在大廳詢問董事和幹部十月二十六日(週五)後未領取的 Deposit 將被視為您給學校的捐款,  董事會將發予您謝函.  如有疑問請聯絡我們 baord@aaccom.org謝謝


B. Sponsorship Advertisement on 2018-2019 AACCOM Directory  通訊錄廣告贊助

It is the time of the year that we are making the school directory.  We all work hard to keep the school financially sound, and we always need your support and encouragement. If you would like to post a sponsorship AD on the directory, or have any information regarding potential merchant that could be our potential sponsor, please contact us at the Chinese school board (board@aaccom.org).  Attach below is the solicitation letter in both English and Chinese, with more details of sponsorship information.  Again, we thank all of your help in making our school work.

又到了制作通訊錄的時候, 我們的安娜堡台灣中文學校努力的經營,也需要大家更多的支持。  如果您有意願在通訊錄上贊助廣告,或是可以提供一些不在去年的通訊錄中,但有可能成為sponsors的商家的資訊,請聯絡安娜堡中文學校董事會 (board@aaccom.org) 下面貼上中英文的贊助信提供資訊,謝謝您的支持和鼓勵。


C. 10/26 Fire Drill 消防演習

Due to the rain last Friday evening, the fire drill is postponed to this Friday (10/26).
Please find the detail fire drill plan in the attachment.  Just a reminder, the temperature will drop below 50 degrees in the evening on Friday. Parents are advised to prepare warm clothes for children and children are also allowed to carry flashlights during the fire drill.
