No Food in Classroom & Hallway 禁止於教室或走廊飲食


– 請勿使用教室裡的飲水機,垃圾桶及廁所

– 在教室和走廊不可吃任何東西

– 想喝水,丟垃圾或上廁所時,要用走廊的飲水機,垃圾桶及廁所。下課時要飲食(不能有堅果類食物)也只限於大禮堂。


Classroom and School Facility Rules


– Do NOT use the drinking fountain, toilet and trash can in the classrooms. 

– No food or drinks in the classrooms or hallway. 

– Please use the drinking fountain, trash cans and restrooms on the hallway。Food is only allowed in Multipurpose Room. NO NUTS please.