AACCOM Weekly News 11/27/2018 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞


1 我們將於週五 (11/30) 7:30pm 舉行中問學校全校家長大會,請擁躍參加提問。 中文學校屬於大家,讓我們一起使它更好。
2. 今年的 Great Lake SCRIP card order short list貼在這Link, 有意採購者請圈選並聯絡董事: board@aaccom.org
Dear Parents:
1.  The AACCOM Board invite all parents to attend Friday(11/30)’s All Parents Meeting.  Please attend and express your thoughts and ask questions.  Your involvement will make our school better.
2. The New 2018 Order Short List for SCRIP Cards can be viewed in this link.  If you are interested in ordering, please use the form and contact the BOD at board@aaccom.org