AACCOM Weekly News 03/12/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

All School Members,
We want to share with you the following workshop this week. The workshop will focus on misconceptions about bilingual children. Dr. Kovelman will talk about the findings from her previous studies and will also introduce the new study at the end of the workshop. Attached is the flyer for the new study.
本週五(3/13 ) Dr.Kovelman將於安娜堡中文學校上課地點之圖書館舉行雙語語言學習講座,探討雙語孩童學習的迷思,同時也會分享她過去的研究結果並將介紹她最新的研究。Dr.Krovelman最新研究的說明請參考附件,歡迎有興趣的朋友一同共襄盛舉!

Workshop Information
Workshop座談會:   How does your child learn to read?    (U-M Bilingual Workshop)

Date/Time時間:  3/15/19(Fri) at 7:30pm

:King Elementary Library 安娜堡中文學校上課地點之圖書館