AACCOM Weekly News 5/7/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

All School Members,

The 2019 speech and story telling competition was held last Saturday (5/4) at Huron High School. Our AACCOM contestants did exceptionally well this year. The students who won awards are listed below. We hope that all of our students will continue to strive to develop their Chinese language skills。


2019年校際演講暨說故事比賽上周六(5/4) 於Huron High School舉行。本校參賽同學在此次競賽中,成績斐然。以下是此次本校得獎參賽成績。希望各位同學再接再厲。

Video recordings of 2019 interschool speech and story telling contest can
be downloaded by press the link.

2019年校際演講暨說故事比賽的影片請按此連結下載! 謝謝!