AACCOM Weekly News 5/29/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

A.5/31 Graduation Ceremony Raffle Drawing



This Friday will be 2019 AACCOM graduation ceremony. Each student will get a ticket for raffle drawing. We are going to have more than 20 McDonald’s gift cards as the prizes!!

B. Pre-Registration for School Year 2019-2020 學年預註冊

Tuition: $15 Registration fee/family (waived if pay the tuition by 5/31/2019)

§  Pre-A / Pre-B Class / CFL Conversation for Preschool   $190

§  K-12 / CFL Conversation I / CFL Conversation II   $310

§  Extra-curricular classes: tuition depends on the class 

   $30 Volunteer Deposit / family

·  $10 deposit per AACCOM event/role upon registration, for a total of 3 events/roles for volunteering opportunities

·  Full refund after volunteering is fulfilled

On-site Pre-Registration Schedule: 

§  Date:  5/31 (Please note that 5/31 is the last day for pre-registration.)

§  Time:  Friday 7:40 – 9:00 pm

§  Place: King multipurpose room (3800 Waldenwood Ann Arbor MI 48105)

§  Register online at https://www.aaccom.org/drupal/en/node/8 

§  Print the registration form after you registered on-line. If you have any tech questions, please contact  sysadmin@aaccom.org

§  Submit your registration form and checks (payable to AACCOM) to complete the registration.

2019-2020 學年預註冊 

學費:$15 註冊費/家庭 (若於 5/31/2019 前繳交學費可免註冊費)

§  學前A/B/學前會話班 $190

§  基礎班~高中班 會話班 I / 會話班 II  $310

§  課外活動班因班而異  

$30 志工保證金/

·  每個家庭註冊時需繳交三十元的保證金,於學年中擔任志工參與安娜堡中文學校的活動與事務

·  保證金將於參與三項活動與事務後,全額退還


§  日期5/31 

§  時間星期五 7:40 – 9:00 pm 

§  地點: King multipurpose room (3800 Waldenwood Ann Arbor MI 48105)

§  請先上 https://www.aaccom.org/drupal/en/node/8 

§  列印出註冊單,若有任何上網註冊問題,請與 sysadmin@aaccom.org 聯絡

§  請繳交您的註冊單支票(付款給AACCOM“),以完成註冊手續

C. Minor Change of AACCOM enrollment Process註冊流程變更   

There will be a slight change of the enrollment process pertaining to next school year.  Online registration process remains the same. Once you have the registration form printed out, the next step is to check in with AACCOM Parent Representative Committee Chair Julia Lee to choose the volunteering event tasks that are based on the selected events on your registration form.  After volunteering event task selection,  please move on to AACCOM Treasurer to submit the tuition payment to complete the enrollment for next year.  

中文學校的預註冊和註冊程序將略有更動。網路註冊的部份不變,印出註冊單後,請先向家長會代表李興蓉 (Julia Lee) 報到,根據註冊單上家長志工活動的選項,進一步圈選活動的工作項目,圈選完畢後跟財務付款,以完成下學年的註冊手續。

D. New Extra Curricular Classes-  新課外活動課程
In 2019-2020 new school year, we are going to add 2 following extra curricular classes.
All the course details please see the attachment.


1.Taiwan Arts and Crafts台灣美術和手作課