AACCOM Weekly News 12/5/2019

AACCOM Weekly News 12/5/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

1. Book Donation and Gifting
Our former teacher Meilan Huang will donate her Chinese book collection of many years to Ann Arbor Chinese School, please come to the multi-purpose room at 7:30pm this coming Friday (12/6/19), come to see if any books your child(ren) will be interested, books are gifts to the children who enjoy reading.  Teacher Huang’s generosity is greatly appreciated!!
前任中文學校老師黃美蘭將捐贈上百本的中文藏書給 安娜堡中文學校家長,這個星期五 7:30pm (12/6/19) 請到 multi-purpose room 。以下是黃老師的親筆信 –

Email: ml_huang@yahoo.com
2. Special Presentation
“Asian American history and heroes for the next generation”

Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan (安娜堡中文學校), Friday December 6, 2019, 7:00-9:00 pm, King Elementary School Media Center, 3800 Waldenwood, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Writer and activist scholar Frances Kai-Hwa Wang (王凱華) will speak to Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan (安娜堡中文學校) students and families about the many contributions that Asian Americans have made to US history. When did the first Filipino Americans arrive? Who built the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869? What was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882? Why were Japanese Americans incarcerated during World War 2? Why did so many Taiwanese Americans immigrate to US after 1965? What is the model minority myth? How did the Asian American community come together to fight for justice for Vincent Chin? What is the importance of Asian American activism in today’s political climate? And more! A writing activity will encourage students and families to write and draw their own stories of immigration for a larger storytelling project.

7:10-7:40: Storytelling about Chinese and Taiwanese American history for elementary-aged children

7:50-8:50: Asian American history and heroes for middle and high school students and older

Lecture is free and open to the public and made possible in part by a grant from Michigan Humanities, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

More information at www.franceskaihwawang.com.

在美國國家人文基金會附屬機構密歇根人文基金會的贊助下,三個密西根地方機構將承辦由作家、活動家和學者王凱華女士主講的「傳講給後輩的亞裔美國人歷史和英雄傳奇」主題的三場公開講座,以此慶祝和紀念亞裔美國人對美國的諸多貢獻。 演講內容包括1587年到達美國的首批菲律賓裔美國人、1869年修建了橫貫美國大陸的鐵路的華裔美國人、1882年的排華法案、 第二次世界大戰期間對日裔美國人的監禁及之後的補償、模範少數族裔神話、為Vincent Chin案的正義之戰以及亞裔美國人的積極參與在當今政治環境中的重要性等等。 屆時將安排寫作活動,鼓勵學生和家長們寫出自己的移民故事為將來的一個更大型的故事會活動做準備。

王凱華(Frances Kai-Hwa Wang)是一位記者、散文家、演講者和教育家。 她的主要研究領域有多元化問題、種族、文化和藝術。 她的著作曾出現在各類新聞媒體諸如NBC新聞 Asian America (《亞裔美洲》)  PRI Global Nation (PRI全球國家》  )  New America Media ( 新美國媒體》)  Pacific  Citizen (《太平洋公民》)  Angry Asian Man《憤怒的亞洲人》 以及數本選集,期刊和藝術展覽中。 她在密歇根大學教授關亞洲/太平洋島民的美國歷史、民權法和媒體課程,並在University of Hawaii Hilo(夏威夷希洛大學)和Washtenaw Community College  (沃什特諾社區大學)教授創意寫作。 她是底特律騎士藝術挑戰賽的獲獎者,也是達蒙基斯(Damon J. Keith)底特律公民權益中心行動實驗室種族和司法報告倡議研究員。 她為史密森尼亞太美國中心印第安美國遺產專案的線上和移動的藝術展覽,共同撰寫和製作了多媒體作品。 她的網站是franceskaihwawang.com

安娜堡中文學校, 12/6/2019, 7:00-9:00 pm
  • 7:10-7:40: Storytelling about Chinese and Taiwanese American history for elementary-aged children
  • 7:50-8:50: Asian American history and heroes for middle and high school students and older 

AACCOM Weekly News 11/18/2019

AACCOM Weekly News 11/18/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

A.11/22 All Parents Meeting 全校家長大會

董事會將於這個週五晚上 (11/22) 7:30 於大禮堂舉行全校家長大會,敬請各位家長擁躍參加。中文學校屬於大家,讓我們一起爲這一個大家庭努力。

The AACCOM Board invites all parents to attend All Parents Meeting this coming Friday (11/22) at 7:30pm at the multi-purpose room.  Please attend and express your thoughts and ask questions.  Your involvement makes our school better.

B. Fundraising Programs董事會募款專案 
Please continue to support AACCOM from the following 4 fundraising programs. By placing the Scrip Gift Cards Orders and by signing up the community rewards program with KrogerBusch’sand AmazonSmile, a donation will be made to AACCOM each time you made a purchase

佳節將至,再次提醒大家只要參予由Kroger, BuschsAmazon Smile的社區回饋方案或購買Scrip Gift Cards,這四家公司就會回饋一定比例金額給安娜堡中文學校只要購物就能幫助學校募款,一舉兩得喔!! 

Reward Program 1: Scrip Gift Cards Order  回饋方案一:購買Script Gift Cards

As the holiday is near, it is time to think about buying gift cards for your love ones. AACCOM will earn a percentage of reward if you order the gift cards through AACCOM Scrip program. Simply fill out the attached order form by 12/6(Fri) and you will have the gift cards ready to be picked up on 12/13 (Fri)

The Board will collect the scrip gift card order forms and payments at King multipurpose room 8:00-9:10pm on 11/22 (Fri) and 12/6 (Fri).

只要購買Scrip Gift Cards, 安娜堡中文學校將會獲得一定比例的回饋金,只要於12/6前填好附件購買表格即可於 12/13()領取購買的禮物卡。有意訂購者, 11/22(及 12/6 () 8:00-9:00pm董事會將在於中文學校的多功能活動中心來收取訂單及訂購費用。

Reward Program 2:Kroger Community Rewards 回饋方案二:Kroger社區回饋方案

· To enroll Community Rewards, log into your Kroger account at https://www.kroger.com/signin and select Community Rewards underneath My Account.

https://www.kroger.com/signin 註冊Kroger帳號,並選取My Account下列的”Community Rewards

·   Search for Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan either by name or KJ068, and click Enroll.
利用名稱或”KJ068關鍵字搜尋Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan 並選取。

·  New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
新用戶需要填寫基本資料,EMAILrewards card來註冊新的帳號


Reward Program 3: Buschs Cash for Education 回饋方案三:Bushs教育現金

·  To enroll in Cash for Education, log into your MYWAY account at https://www.buschs.com/account/login and select Cash for Education from the dropdown menu underneath your name.

https://www.buschs.com/account/login登入你的MYWAY帳戶並從名字下的選單裡選取”Cash for Education

·  Choose A2 Chinese Center of MI
選取”A2 Chinese Center of MI

·   Start shopping! Every purchase you make will earn rewards for AACCOM, just be sure to use your MyWay card or phone number at checkout.

開始購物請於結帳時記得使用MyWay 卡或輸入電話號碼,每筆消費都將回饋一定金額給AACCOM!

Reward Program 4: AmazonSmile program 回饋方案4: Amazon Smile

·  Log into your Amazon account via AmazonSmile before you shop at Amazon and select Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan as your Amazon Smile Charity from Other programs underneath your account.

購物前請記得使用AmazonSmile登入你的Amazon帳戶,並選取 Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan “就可以囉!

AACCOM Weekly News 10/21/2019

AACCOM Weekly News 10/21/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

On November 5, 2019, voters in the Ann Arbor Public Schools will be asked to consider a capital-bond proposal of one billion dollars to upgrade school facilities and sites, enhance existing building security, and provide upgraded and sustainable learning environments throughout our district.  The bond program scope is based on a comprehensive facility assessment conducted by independent architects and engineers to assess the current and future building needs in our district.

The purpose of Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000) bond is to make the following improvements:

  •  constructing additions to and/or remodeling School District buildings, including safety and security improvements,
  • classrooms, laboratories, kitchens, performing arts and pool facilities, and solar, geothermal and other renewable energy improvements;
  • acquiring and/or constructing buildings in the School District, including elementary, middle and high schools;
  •  equipping, furnishing, reequipping and refurnishing buildings in the School District, including the acquisition of school buses and musical instruments;
  • acquiring and installing instructional technology equipment in the School District; and
  • acquiring, improving and developing sites, including athletic fields, facilities, structures, parking and playgrounds, in the School District

In the first year, the millage rate is projected to increase by 1.65 mills, over the 2019 debt levy of 2.45 mills, to a total of 4.1 mills.   Based on the average taxable value of the AAPS tax base of $138K per home, which includes the City of Ann Arbor and parts of 8 townships, (approximated market value of $276K),  an annual tax increase of $228 per home is expected. 

2019115的投票日,安娜堡公立學校 (AAPS) 學區的選民將投票選擇是否通過一項10億美元的資本債券提案

這項提案是由娜堡公立學校董事會(Board of Education)提出。經過獨立建築師和工程師進行的全面設施評估,針對我們學區當前和未來的建築需求,改善學校設施,增強現有建築物的安全性,提供並提升可續的學習環境。這項為期20年的全面性檢修更新設施,估計總價超過8.6億元。今年(2019)六月26AAPS董事會討論通過,提出十億美元債券提案,籌措這筆龐大經費。


•    依需要改建增建學區建築物的安全性設施。

•    改善教室,實驗室,廚房,表演藝術和游泳池設施以及太陽能,地熱其他再生能源

•    在學區購置或建造建築物,作為危樓翻修時的轉寰臨時校址,提供學生持續學習的場所。

•    維修,添購設備配備,包括購置校車和樂器

•    增添和安裝教學技術設備

•    在學區收購,改善和開發運動場,設施,構築物,停車場和





10/30 (週三中午 12-12:40 ,臉書直播(https://www.facebook.com/AnnArborPublicSchools/)

11/1 (週五)上午8:30- 9:30Westerman Preschool and Family Center
2775 Boardwalk

詳細息,請查閱AAPS網站 (https://www.a2schools.org/domain/3704).

AACCOM Weekly News 10/1/2019

AACCOM Weekly News 10/1/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

All School Members,

We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and generously donated the volunteer deposits. Please note that this Friday will be the last day for on-site refund. After this Friday, please contact board@aaccom.org to arrange a personal refund schedule. All unclaimed deposits will be deemed as a donation to AACCOM after 10/25. We thank you in advance for those who donate the deposits. 

When: 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 10/4

Where: King multipurpose room


非常感謝大家於2018-2019學年度擔任學校的志工10/4 (五)將是最後一天於學校現場發還志工保證金, 若無法於10/4當日領取退費,,請於10/25email聯繫board@aaccom.org安排個別退費時間,10/25前未申請退費的金額將全數捐贈於安娜堡中文學校!

8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 10/4

地點: King小學多功能活動中心

AACCOM Weekly News 9/23/2019

AACCOM Weekly News 9/23/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

A.Refund Volunteer Deposit 志工保證金退費

We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and generously donated the volunteer deposits for 2017-2018. Starting this Friday, we will start to refund the volunteer deposits to those families who have fulfilled the volunteer duties for 2018-2019. Refund schedules as the following:

When: 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 9/27 and 10/4

Where: King multipurpose room

If you can’t make it from the above schedules,  please contact board@aaccom.org to arrange a refund schedule before 10/25. After 10/25, all unclaimed deposits will be deemed as a donation to AACCOM. We thank you in advance for those who donate the deposits. 

非常感謝大家於2018-2019學年度擔任學校的志工, 本週五起將開始發還志工保證金, 以下為退費時間及地點,若無法於下列時間前來辦理退費,請於10/25前email聯繫board@aaccom.org安排個別退費時間,未申請退費的金額將捐贈於安娜堡中文學校!

8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 9/27 and 10/4

地點: King小學多功能活動中心


Please continue to support AACCOM from the following 4 fundraising programs. A donation will be made to AACCOM each time you made a purchase. Please feel free to contact board@aaccom.org if you have any question. We are really in need of your supports! 

安娜堡中文學校董事會感謝大家持續的貢獻自己的時間和捐獻物資給學校,在此也希望大家能持續協助學校, 以下列有四個方案提供大家協助學校募款! 只要參予由Kroger, Busch’s及Amazon Smile的社區回饋方案或購買Scrip Gift Cards,這四家公司就會回饋一定比例金額給安娜堡中文學校! 只要購物就能幫助學校募款,一舉兩得!! 對於這些方案有任何問題請隨時聯繫board@aaccom.org

Reward Program 1: Scrip Gift Cards Order  回饋方案一:購買Script Gift Cards

Thank you so much for those who ordered the Script gift cards. Please pick up the gift cards at King multipurpose room 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 9/27 or 10/4.

感謝已經訂購Script Gift Card的人,請已訂購者於 9/27(五) & 10/4 (五) 8:00-9:00pm中文學校的多功能活動中心領取。

Reward Program 2:Kroger Community Rewards 回饋方案二:Kroger社區回饋方案

  • To enroll Community Rewards, log into your Kroger account at https://www.kroger.com/signinand select Community Rewards underneath My Account.
    https://www.kroger.com/signin 註冊Kroger帳號,並選取My Account下列的”Community Rewards”
  • Search for Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michiganeither by name or KJ068, and click Enroll.
    利用名稱或”KJ068”關鍵字搜尋Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan 並選取。
  • New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
    新用戶需要填寫資本資料,EMAIL及rewards card來註冊新的帳號

Reward Program 3: Busch’s Cash for Education 回饋方案三:Bush’s教育現金

  • To enroll in Cash for Education, log into your MYWAY account athttps://www.buschs.com/account/login and select Cash for Education from the dropdown menu underneath your name.

    https://www.buschs.com/account/login登入你的MYWAY帳戶並從名字下的選單裡選取”Cash for Education”
  • Choose A2 Chinese Center of MI
    選取”A2 Chinese Center of MI”
  • Start shopping! Every purchase you make will earn rewards for AACCOM, just be sure to use your MyWay card or phone number at checkout.

    開始購物! 請於結帳時記得使用MyWay 卡或輸入電話號碼,每筆消費都將回饋一定金額給AACCOM!

Reward Program 4: AmazonSmile program 會饋方案4: Amazon Smile

  • Log into your Amazon account via AmazonSmile before you shop at Amazon and select Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michiganas your Amazon Smile Charity from Other programs underneath your account.

購物前請記得使用AmazonSmile登入你的Amazon帳戶,並選取” Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan “就可以囉!

AACCOM Weekly News 9/16/2019

AACCOM Weekly News 9/16/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

A.2019-2020 AACCOM School Calendar 學校行事曆

The 2019-2020 school calendar is online. The calendar is subjected to changed by the school board.

B.Refund Volunteer Deposit 志工保證金退費


We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and generously donated the volunteer deposits for 2017-2018. Starting this Friday, we will start to refund the volunteer deposits to those families who have fulfilled the volunteer duties for 2018-2019. Refund schedules as the following:

When: 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 9/20, 9/27 and 10/4

Where: King multipurpose room

If you can’t make it from the above schedules,  please contact board@aaccom.org to arrange a refund schedule before 10/25. After 10/25, all unclaimed deposits will be deemed as a donation to AACCOM. We thank you in advance for those who donate the deposits. 


8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 9/20, 9/27 and 10/4

地點: King小學多功能活動中心



Please continue to support AACCOM from the following 4 fundraising programs. A donation will be made to AACCOM each time you made a purchase. Please feel free to contact board@aaccom.org if you have any question. We are really in need of your supports! 

安娜堡中文學校董事會感謝大家持續的貢獻自己的時間和捐獻物資給學校,在此也希望大家能持續協助學校以下列有四個方案提供大家協助學校募款只要參予由Kroger, BuschsAmazon Smile的社區回饋方案或購買Scrip Gift Cards,這四家公司就會回饋一定比例金額給安娜堡中文學校只要購物就能幫助學校募款,一舉兩得!! 對於這些方案有任何問題請隨時聯繫board@aaccom.org


Reward Program 1: Scrip Gift Cards Order  回饋方案一:購買Script Gift Cards

The Board will place the 2 orders on 9/20/2019 and 12/6/2019. 

For the order on 9/20, we will collect the order form and payments at King multipurpose room 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm on 9/20.  Please find the order form in attached.

安娜堡中文學校董事會將於9/20/201912/6/2019這兩日協助大家訂購Scrip Gift Cards, 訂購表格請參照附件,表中會列出參與的商家名稱若表格中沒有你喜歡的商家,請點選此連結https://www.shopwithscrip.com/shopwithscrip-retailers,網站將列出更多的商家供大家選擇!
若想於9/20訂購, 9/20()8:00-9:00pm董事會將在於中文學校的多功能活動中心來收取訂單及訂購費用。


Reward Program 2:Kroger Community Rewards 回饋方案二:Kroger社區回饋方案


·         To enroll Community Rewards, log into your Kroger account at https://www.kroger.com/signin and select Community Rewards underneath My Account.

https://www.kroger.com/signin 註冊Kroger帳號,並選取My Account下列的”Community Rewards

·         Search for Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan either by name or KJ068, and click Enroll.
利用名稱或”KJ068關鍵字搜尋Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan 並選取。

·         New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
新用戶需要填寫資本資料,EMAILrewards card來註冊新的帳號


Reward Program 3: Buschs Cash for Education 回饋方案三:Bushs教育現金

·         To enroll in Cash for Education, log into your MYWAY account at https://www.buschs.com/account/login and select Cash for Education from the dropdown menu underneath your name.

https://www.buschs.com/account/login登入你的MYWAY帳戶並從名字下的選單裡選取”Cash for Education

·         Choose A2 Chinese Center of MI 
選取”A2 Chinese Center of MI

·         Start shopping! Every purchase you make will earn rewards for AACCOM, just be sure to use your MyWay card or phone number at checkout.

開始購物請於結帳時記得使用MyWay 卡或輸入電話號碼,每筆消費都將回饋一定金額給AACCOM!


Reward Program 4: AmazonSmile program 會饋方案4: Amazon Smile

·         Log into your Amazon account via AmazonSmile before you shop at Amazon and select Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan as your Amazon Smile Charity from Other programs underneath your account.

購物前請記得使用AmazonSmile登入你的Amazon帳戶,並選取 Ann Arbor Chinese Center of Michigan “就可以囉!

Registration for School Year 2019-2020 Continues

Tuition: $15 Registration fee/family

  • Pre-A / Pre-B Class  $190
  • K-12 / CFL Conversation  $310
  • Extra-curricular classes: tuition depend on the class 
   $30 Volunteer Deposit/family
  • $10 deposit per AACCOM event/role upon registration, for a total of 3 events/roles for volunteering opportunities
  • Full refund after volunteering is fulfilled

On-site Registration Schedule: 

  • Date:  9/20 (Please note that 9/20 is the last day for classes transfer, drop w/ 100% tuition refunds, & registration)
  • Time:  Friday 8:00-9:10 pm 
  • Place: King multipurpose room (3800 Waldenwood Ann Arbor MI 48105)

2019-2020 學年註冊 

學費:$15 註冊費/家庭

  • 學前A/B班 $190
  • 基礎班~高中班/ CFL 會話班 $310
  • 課外活動班: 因班而異  
$30 志工保證金/家庭
  • 每個家庭註冊時需繳交三十元的保證金,於學年中擔任志工參與安娜堡中文學校的活動與事務。
  • 保證金將於參與三項活動與事務後,全額退還。


  • 日期:  9/20
  • 時間: 星期五 8:00-9:10 pm 
  • 地點: King multipurpose room (3800 Waldenwood Ann Arbor MI 48105)

Welcome 2019-2020 School Year

歡迎加入安娜堡中文學校大家庭/ Welcome to the family of Ann Arbor Chinese School

Dear AACCOM Families,

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year!! Hope you all had a great summer! We are excited to have students back in our classrooms and look forward to meeting new families. The first day of class is on 9/13/2018 (Fri).  Please refer to the attached map for classroom location.

We still have families that have not completed the registration process. The detailed registration information is listed below.  Once again, welcome back! Let’s make it another great year in AACCOM together! See you soon!



 希望大家都度過了一個快樂且充實的暑假安娜堡中文學校新一學年即將展開。 本週五9/13 將是本學期的開學日,除了學生們期待回到學校和大家一起學習之外,我們也同時歡迎所有加入安娜堡中文學校的新成員們目前仍有些學生尚未完成註冊手續,所有註冊相關須知請參照下列詳細資訊。各年級教室位置請參考附件圖檔。 最後期待在新的學年繼續和大家一起繼續享受學習中文的樂趣!


AACCOM Weekly News 5/29/2019

AACCOM Weekly News 5/29/2019 安娜堡中文學校每週新聞

A.5/31 Graduation Ceremony Raffle Drawing



This Friday will be 2019 AACCOM graduation ceremony. Each student will get a ticket for raffle drawing. We are going to have more than 20 McDonald’s gift cards as the prizes!!

B. Pre-Registration for School Year 2019-2020 學年預註冊

Tuition: $15 Registration fee/family (waived if pay the tuition by 5/31/2019)

§  Pre-A / Pre-B Class / CFL Conversation for Preschool   $190

§  K-12 / CFL Conversation I / CFL Conversation II   $310

§  Extra-curricular classes: tuition depends on the class 

   $30 Volunteer Deposit / family

·  $10 deposit per AACCOM event/role upon registration, for a total of 3 events/roles for volunteering opportunities

·  Full refund after volunteering is fulfilled

On-site Pre-Registration Schedule: 

§  Date:  5/31 (Please note that 5/31 is the last day for pre-registration.)

§  Time:  Friday 7:40 – 9:00 pm

§  Place: King multipurpose room (3800 Waldenwood Ann Arbor MI 48105)

§  Register online at https://www.aaccom.org/drupal/en/node/8 

§  Print the registration form after you registered on-line. If you have any tech questions, please contact  sysadmin@aaccom.org

§  Submit your registration form and checks (payable to AACCOM) to complete the registration.

2019-2020 學年預註冊 

學費:$15 註冊費/家庭 (若於 5/31/2019 前繳交學費可免註冊費)

§  學前A/B/學前會話班 $190

§  基礎班~高中班 會話班 I / 會話班 II  $310

§  課外活動班因班而異  

$30 志工保證金/

·  每個家庭註冊時需繳交三十元的保證金,於學年中擔任志工參與安娜堡中文學校的活動與事務

·  保證金將於參與三項活動與事務後,全額退還


§  日期5/31 

§  時間星期五 7:40 – 9:00 pm 

§  地點: King multipurpose room (3800 Waldenwood Ann Arbor MI 48105)

§  請先上 https://www.aaccom.org/drupal/en/node/8 

§  列印出註冊單,若有任何上網註冊問題,請與 sysadmin@aaccom.org 聯絡

§  請繳交您的註冊單支票(付款給AACCOM“),以完成註冊手續

C. Minor Change of AACCOM enrollment Process註冊流程變更   

There will be a slight change of the enrollment process pertaining to next school year.  Online registration process remains the same. Once you have the registration form printed out, the next step is to check in with AACCOM Parent Representative Committee Chair Julia Lee to choose the volunteering event tasks that are based on the selected events on your registration form.  After volunteering event task selection,  please move on to AACCOM Treasurer to submit the tuition payment to complete the enrollment for next year.  

中文學校的預註冊和註冊程序將略有更動。網路註冊的部份不變,印出註冊單後,請先向家長會代表李興蓉 (Julia Lee) 報到,根據註冊單上家長志工活動的選項,進一步圈選活動的工作項目,圈選完畢後跟財務付款,以完成下學年的註冊手續。

D. New Extra Curricular Classes-  新課外活動課程
In 2019-2020 new school year, we are going to add 2 following extra curricular classes.
All the course details please see the attachment.


1.Taiwan Arts and Crafts台灣美術和手作課

AACCOM 註冊程序更動公告 / Minor Change of AACCOM Enrollment Process

Dear AACCOM parents,
中文學校的預註冊和註冊程序將略有更動。網路註冊的部份不變,印出註冊單後,請先向家長會代表李興蓉 (Julia Lee) 報到,根據註冊單上家長志工活動的選項,進一步圈選活動的工作項目,圈選完畢後跟財務付款,以完成下學年的註冊手續。
Starting this Friday (5/17), there will be a slight change of the enrollment process pertaining to next school year.  Online registration process remains the same.   Once you have the registration form printed out, the next step is to check in with AACCOM Parent Representative Committee Chair Julia Lee to choose the volunteering event tasks that are based on the selected events on your registration form.  After volunteering event task selection,  please move on to AACCOM Treasurer to submit the tuition payment to complete the enrollment for next year.